Meet Sue, Rick & Ted
Therapist Sue Has Owned Her Bamboo Green Paradise Twin for Less Than a Year, Yet She and Her Husband Rick Have Already Explored Large Parts of Europe in It.
Sue says, “We picked the campervan up and went off for three weeks to France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and back home through France. It was a very good trip and we stayed in an olive grove and visited a nice old hotel made from former stables at San Guiliano, near Pisa in Italy. Then, later in the year we went to Dorset for a break as well.”

Sue and Rick chose a Paradise Twin – the long wheelbase version of our rear-kitchen campervan range – which has plenty of storage and lots of room for their dog’s bed on the floor of the kitchen at night.
“We were originally tent campers but we wanted more comfort. We leave our dog Ted with friends and spend summers visiting our son in Canada. So we promised Ted, who is a Bedlington terrier, that the deal is that we would take him away in the campervan whenever we were not in Canada,” says Sue.
“I work as a therapist, so I can restructure my life so that I can get more holidays than most people. We travel with friends and they sleep in little tents, with our awning as the social hub. Soon, we’re going to Spain and meeting a friend who lives out there.”
Parking considerations can determine the type of campervan that you buy, says Sue. “We live on busy Lewes High Street, in Sussex, where there’s hardly any residents’ parking space. Thankfully, our daughter has a flat with underground parking, and our campervan just fits in.”

The Paradise campervan layout suits the couple down to the ground and they’ve enjoyed some really long European adventures in it.
Sue says, “I love the smell of our campervan, it’s so evocative of holidays. The bed is just wonderful. We are both big and tall people so our bed in the Paradise Twin campervan is heaven and it fits us and Ted as well. He has an excuse to sleep with us when we’re away. The blackout curtains are excellent – I sleep so well in this campervan.”