Welcome to the Sussex Campervans Ltd Warranty Plan. This document outlines the coverage provided for your campervan, ensuring peace of mind for the length of its term. Whether you have purchased a new or pre-owned vehicle, our warranty plan is designed to protect you against unexpected repair costs and to keep your campervan in excellent condition.
This warranty applies to the base vehicle, and is separate to the habitation warranty on your campervan conversion. Any item or claim can only be covered by one or the other.
This document details the terms and conditions of your warranty, including what is covered, what is not covered, and your responsibilities to maintain the validity of the warranty. We have included important information on how to make a claim, how repairs are authorised and paid, and how you can upgrade your coverage if needed.
Thank you for choosing Sussex Campervans Ltd. We hope you enjoy your travels with the confidence and security that our warranty plan provides.
6. Section B: Key Questions
6. Who is the Warranty with?
6. What is covered?
6. What is not covered?
6. How do I keep my Warranty valid?
6. What do I do if I notice a problem with my Campervan?
7. How does this Warranty work?
7. How do I make requests for repairs my Campervan needs?
7. How are authorised repairs paid?
7. How can I upgrade the cover?
7. How do I find my Plan Schedule?
8. Section C. Benefits included within your Warranty Plan
11. Section D. Warranty Plan Levels
11. Gold: New Vehicles up to 5 yrs old and up to 50,000 miles
12. Silver: Vehicles 5 -10 yrs old and up to 100,000 miles
14. Bronze: 10 yrs + and up to 180,000 miles
16. Section E. Additions to Your Plan
16. Air Bag Addition
17. Air Conditioning Addition
17. Driver Assistance Addition
18. Emissions Failure Addition
18. Electric Vehicle (EV) Addition
19. Labour Rates
19. MOT Failure Addition
21. Multi-Media Addition
22. Section F. What Your Plan Does NOT Include 22
22.Vehicles Excluded
24.Parts Excluded
24.Reports By Vehicle Examiners
24.Miscellaneous Items Excluded
25.Geographical Limitations
26.Section G. Servicing Your Vehicle 26
27.Section H. Repair Procedure 27
30.Section I. General Conditions 30
34.Section J. Warranty Plan 34
36.Section K. How to Contact Us
^ Complaints
Section A: Definitions
The following words and terminology have these meanings throughout Your Plan and are spelt with capitals throughout:
Addition: Inclusion of any of the following optional items as shown on Your Plan Schedule: Air Bag Addition, Air Conditioning Addition, Driver Assistance, Emissions Failure, Electric Vehicle Addition, Labour Rates, MOT Failure, Multimedia.
Administration Fee: A fee of £90 to cover our administration costs and expenses.
Application: Any information you may have supplied to us.
Approved Repairer: A repair garage authorised by Sussex Campervans Ltd who operates on an account basis with Sussex Campervans Ltd.
Breakdown: This is where a mechanical or electrical Part suddenly and unexpectedly stops working and requires immediate repair or replacement before it will work again.
Consequential Failure: where a component (not necessarily included in Your Plan) fails and causes the Breakdown of a Part included in Your Plan (sometimes called the domino effect).
Contribution: An agreed monetary contribution to be paid by you towards the value of each repair which will be shown in Your Plan Schedule.
Failure Due to Wear and Tear: This is where a mechanical Part suddenly and unexpectedly, develops a premature fault resulting in the Part failing before your Vehicle reaches 10 years of age or 100,000 miles from the date of manufacture, which if not repaired or replaced will more than likely lead to a Breakdown of the Part before the expiry of Your Plan (sometimes called fatigue).
Geographical Limits: The area in which Your Plan is effective is mainland Great Britain (UK excluding Northern Ireland and islands). Your main residence must be within this area.
History Checks: Independent verification of your Vehicle’s mileage, market value, MOT and to determine if it’s been exported, imported, declared an insurance write off or a stolen vehicle. These checks are conducted at the time you take out the warranty at our own cost using data from the DVLA, DVSA, Police and from independent companies. This information is constantly updated, is not exhaustive and may alter at any future date, therefore we cannot guarantee total accuracy at any point in time.
Independent Vehicle Examiner: An independent expert witness (not a member of Sussex Campervans Ltd’s staff) qualified in motor vehicle engineering theory and practice, with specific knowledge and expertise relevant to Your Vehicle and the Part being examined.
Labour: Labour costs will be paid up to the maximum hourly labour rate noted on Your Plan Schedule, including VAT. We will not pay more than the hourly Labour rate usually charged by your Repairer to its customers.
Level of Your Plan: As specified within Your Plan document, together with any Additions as detailed within Your Plan Schedule.
Mileage Photo: A recent photograph of your Vehicle’s complete dashboard display when the engine is running, including the milometer, to verify Your Plan Start Date. This must be sent to aftercare@sussexcampervans.com.
MTPLM: Maximum Technically Permissible Laden Mass as detailed within your vehicle handbook and/or chassis plate.
OE Parts: Original Equipment Parts which are manufactured to the same specification and standards as manufacturer Parts (often from the same supplier but packaged in different boxes).
Part: Any mechanical or electrical Part, capable of replacement, which forms part of your Vehicle’s original specification and is included within the Level of Your Plan. (Mechanical Parts have contact, movement and function. Electrical Parts are powered by electricity. Unless specifically mentioned, wiring, connectors, pipes, hoses and rubber bushes are not included).
Parts Cost: For repairs at a franchised main dealer, charged within the Labour rate you have selected, we will pay the manufacturer’s list price of Parts. In all other cases, we will not pay more than the available motor factor recommended retail price of the OE Parts, including VAT. Parts which can only be sourced from outside the United Kingdom will be reimbursed at the United Kingdom price of an equivalent Part. We may, at our discretion, supply Parts to your Repairer directly or have Parts repaired by a specialist Repairer of our choice or use reconditioned Parts.
Parts Replaced in Pairs: The following covered Parts (when and where included within the Level of Your Plan) if recommended by the manufacturer of your Vehicle to be replaced in pairs, when only one Part has suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear: Brake discs, brake drums, coil road springs, and hydraulic shock absorbers.
Period of Your Plan: The number of months covered as shown on Your Plan Schedule.
Plan Schedule: When you place an order with Sussex Campervans LTD for either a new build or a pre-loved campervan, the age of the campervan (based on the base vehicle manufacture year, not the import year) will automatically determine your enrolment into the appropriate plan and create Your Plan schedule. If you upgrade Your Plan, a new order will be generated to specify any additional coverage or changes to your labour rate and single repair limit.Plan Start Date: The date which Your Plan begins, as detailed within Your Plan Schedule. If we have requested a Mileage Photo, Your Plan will start on the date and time we receive this and from the mileage displayed in that photograph, provided this is received within the following 30 days.
Repair Cost: The total of Labour and Parts and diagnostics Cost, in pounds sterling including VAT. If your Repairer charges more than Your Plan provides, you will have to pay the difference.
Repair Number: A number issued by us to you or to your Repairer as proof that a repair has been authorised.
Servicing Handbook: The handbook issued with the Vehicle by the manufacturer (or within the Vehicle’s integrated data information centre) which details the servicing and maintenance requirements for your Vehicle.
Single Repair Limit: The maximum amount that Your Plan will pay per Breakdown or per Failure Due to Wear and Tear, including VAT. The Single Repair Limit includes all Repair Costs against the Level of Your Plan including, Additions, Vehicle Recovery, Vehicle Hire, Hotel or Travel Expenses, less any Contribution as shown on Your Plan Schedule. Any alteration to this limit requested by you will not become effective for 30 days or 1,000 miles (whichever occurs later) after the date of request.
VAT: Value Added Tax which will be calculated at the prevailing rate. We cannot legally pay you the VAT element of any Repair Cost without a VAT invoice made out to Sussex Campervans Ltd.
Vehicle: Only the Vehicle as identified on Your Plan Schedule (subject to the accepted categories below).
(Acceptable categories of Vehicles are: Any motor car, box van or campervan, up to 3500kgs MTPLM, motor home up to 7500 kgs MTPLM, touring caravan up to 8 metres in overall length and 1850kgs MTPLM).
Vehicle Value: The maximum amount that Your Plan will pay in total during the Period of Your Plan, including VAT as shown on Your Plan Schedule, limited to the retail value of your Vehicle as defined by us or in Glass’ Guide, Parkers Guide (or similar) at Your Plan Start Date, or the purchase price if lower.
Worn Out Parts: These are Parts which due to prolonged use over time, abuse, neglect, lack of correct routine maintenance are worn out and at the end of their expected serviceable life. They will require repair or replacement at your own cost.
Your Plan: Your Application, level of Your Plan, details and Plan Schedule, together with this booklet contain the full terms and conditions of Your Plan.
Section B: Key Questions
Who’s the Warranty with?
Your warranty is provided by Sussex Campervans Ltd. Sussex Campervans Ltd may communicate with you via phone call, text messages, email or postal mail with your warranty documents and in relation to your warranty or any repairs you make. Please ensure that your data is correct and that we have your email and mobile number. These are the quickest ways to communicate with us. Sussex Campervans Ltd will never sell your data to any other company.
What is covered?
Parts and labour, as listed in your selected Level of Cover. We will not limit how many repairs you can make up to your Vehicle Value limit, however each repair is limited to the Single Repair Limit. You are covered for Failure due to Wear and Tear from the 1st Day. Failure due to Wear and Tear cover ends when your Vehicle reaches 10 years old or 100,000 miles.
What is not covered?
Important: Not all parts are covered under this warranty. No warranty covers everything, so please read the exclusions carefully. This warranty excludes:
- Any parts or items not specifically listed in Your Level of Cover.
- Parts excluded in Section F: ‘What Your Plan does NOT Include’.
- Parts that have not been serviced correctly.
- Faults caused by a lack of correct and timely servicing.
- Worn out parts.
- Pre-existing faults.
- Parts that have not suffered a Breakdown or Failure due to Wear and Tear.
How do I keep my Warranty valid?
You must ensure your campervan is road legal; it should be taxed, insured, have a current MOT and a V5 Logbook in your name. You must service your campervan at your own cost and in line with your manufacturer recommendations. You must keep proper records of the service history. lf you don’t have your vehicle’s full service history then you must bring its servicing up to date immediately (including automatic gearbox servicing). Please read Section G about Servicing Your Vehicle.
What do I do if I notice a problem with my Campervan?
You must tell us as soon as you suspect a fault. You can call 01403 33 63 69 Mon-Fri 9am-4.30pm, or email hello@sussexcampervans.com. You must notify Sussex Campervans Ltd of any issue within 7 days. You must then follow the full Repairs Procedure in Section H.
How does this Warranty work?
The Warranty is not insurance based. It is a contractual relationship where Sussex Campervans Ltd has discretion as to how to handle repairs, so they can be dealt with in a fair and reasonable manner in all cases.
How do I make requests for repairs my Campervan needs?
You should follow the full Repairs Procedure in the plan terms and conditions. Stop driving the campervan as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Do not begin any work until Sussex Campervans Ltd have authorised your repair in writing. If we need to see more information or inspect the campervan we will tell you as soon as we can. You must send us any documents we need to check (like service history) within 30 days of being asked for them. Your repairs need to be made at a VAT registered garage.
How are authorised repairs paid?
You will receive an Authorisation Form which you should complete and return to us with the supporting documents. The repair invoice must be made out to Sussex Campervans Ltd. You can choose who we pay on your Authorisation Form. This could be yourself or your Repairer.
How can I upgrade the cover?
You may change or upgrade the cover at any point. Contact our team on 01403 33 63 69 or email hello@sussexcampervans.com.
How do I find my Plan Schedule?
When you place an order with Sussex Campervans LTD for either a new build or a pre-loved campervan from, the age of the campervan (based on the base vehicle registration year, not the import year) will automatically determine your enrolment into the appropriate plan and create Your Plan schedule. If you upgrade Your Plan, a new order will be generated to specify any additional coverage or changes to your labour rate and single repair limit.
- Section C. Benefits included within your Warranty Plan
From day one and during the lifetime of Your Plan – Your Plan is designed to pay for:
Breakdown – This is where a mechanical or electrical Part suddenly and unexpectedly stops working and requires immediate repair or replacement before it will work again.
Your Plan also provides for Failure Due to a mechanical Part suddenly and unexpectedly, develops a premature fault resulting in the Part failing before your Vehicle reaches 20 years of age or 180,000 miles or 10 years and 100,000 miles due to Wear and Tear, which if not repaired or replaced, will more than likely lead to a Breakdown of the Part before the expiry of Your Plan.
Whether a Part has suffered a Failure Due to Wear and Tear is determined by us comparing the extent of wear on the failed Part with other similar, connected or associated Parts, which we would expect to be dissimilar. This is in contrast to those which appear to m comparable wear which are Worn Out Parts
Example: The gearbox of a campervan contains many shafts, bearings, gears and hubs, etc. With no manufacturing defects and correct use and servicing, we would expect that most gearboxes will last for up to 10 years without any major problems. If a single shaft inside the gearbox breaks, then clearly that’s a failure, which is sudden and unexpected and would be covered. If the breakage of the gearbox shaft causes damage to other parts inside the gearbox, then this would be Consequential Failure and all the damaged parts would be covered.
Example: The gearbox starts making a noticeable noise, and upon examination we see that one bearing is worn and close to breaking up, but all the other bearings, shafts, gears and hubs are OK and unaffected. This would be a ‘sudden and unexpected Failure of a Part Due to Wear & Tear’, which we would accept. If however all the shafts and hubs inside the gearbox are significantly worn and are all contributing to the noise, then this would be a ‘worn out’ gearbox and not covered.
Sussex Campervans Ltd will pay the Repair Cost following a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part of Your Vehicle, within the Limits, outside the supplier’s or manufacturer’s warranty during the of Your Plan, depending upon the Level Of Your Plan and subject to the further conditions and exclusions set out in these terms:
If your Vehicle suffers a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any covered Part, we will at our discretion decide whether to pay the appropriate Repair Cost (see General Conditions which explains our discretion). To do this, we will decide whether to inspect your Vehicle and then whether or not to approve a repair of the Part or authorise a replacement and then if we decide it is appropriate to do so in either case, we will pay the appropriate Repair Cost.
Your Plan will pay for diagnostic or dismantling work only if assessed by us as being reasonable within the Repair Cost of a valid repair. It is your responsibility to authorise (at your own expense) any diagnostic or dismantling of any part of your Vehicle. If in doubt, confirm with us before starting any diagnostic or dismantling work we will always put in writing anything that is agreed. If you do not have this in writing and do not have a valid repair number it will not be covered.
We will pay the Repair Cost of a valid repair up to the Single Repair Limit and within your Vehicle Value at Your Plan Start Date.
There is no limit to the number of valid repairs that can be approved during the Period Of Your Plan within the Single Repair Limit up to your Vehicle Value
There is no Contribution automatically required from you.
There is no Contribution required from you for improving the condition or value of your Vehicle (betterment) where a replacement Part has this effect.
Your Plan includes cover against Consequential Failure.
Any alterations you make to increase the Level of Your Plan will not come into effect until 30 days or 1000 miles (whichever occurs first) from the date of change have elapsed.
Significant Exclusions
Limits on Failure Due to Wear and Tear – Unless you are following on after a manufacturer’s warranty or previous Sussex Campervans Ltd Plan, the benefit of Failure Due to Wear and Tear will begin after both 30 days and 1000 miles have passed and in all cases, will end should your vehicle reach 10 years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first). Without a valid repair number, you will not be covered.
Vehicle Age and Mileage Limits – All the benefits of Your Plan will end should your Vehicle reach 180,000 miles from the date of manufacture. without rebate, even if during the Period of Your Plan.
Servicing – If you are unable to provide proof of the correct previous servicing of your Vehicle, we may decline any repair request you make in relation to any serviceable Part (see Section G).
Worn Out Parts – These are Parts which due to prolonged use over time and/or a lack of correct routine maintenance, abuse and/or neglect, are worn out and at the end of their expected serviceable life. They will require repair or replacement at your own cost.
Manufacturing Faults – The Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part of your Vehicle with inherent, common and regularly occurring manufacturing faults which are well publicised (such as Google Internet search) together with any Part requiring replacement due to it being updated, superseded, redesigned or recalled by the manufacturer, where you have no proof that the Part has been previously replaced.
Significant Exclusions – We will be liable for any of the above expenses if your request for Repair Cost is declined by us under the terms of Your Plan. Your Plan will not pay for any accident or criminal damage, storage or release charges. For a full list of exclusions please also see: What Your Plan does NOT include, section F.
Section C: Benefits Included in Your Warranty Plan
From day one and during the lifetime of Your Plan – Your Plan is designed to pay for:
Breakdown – This is where a mechanical or electrical Part suddenly and unexpectedly stops working and requires immediate repair or replacement before it will work again
Your Plan also provides for Failure Due to a mechancial Part suddenly and unexpectedly, develops a premature fault in the Part failing before your vehicle reaches 20 years of age or 180,000 miles or 10 years and 100,000 miles due to Wear and Tear, which if not repaired or replaced, will more than likely lead to a Breakdown of the Part before the expiry of Your Plan.
Whether a Part has suffered a Failure Due to Wear and Tear is determined by us comparing the extent of wear on the failed Part with other similar, connected or associated Parts, which we would expect to be dissimilar. This is in contrast to those which appear to m comparable wear which are Worn Out Parts
Example: The gearbox of a campervan contains many shafts, bearings, gears and hubs, etc. With no manufacturing defects and correct use and servicing, we would expect that most gearboxes will last for up to 10 years without any major problems. If a single shaft inside the gearbox breaks, then clearly that’s a failure, which is sudden and unexpected and would be covered. If the breakage of the gearbox shaft causes damage to other parts inside the gearbox, then this would be Consequential Failure and all the damaged parts would be covered.
Example: The gearbox starts making a noticeable noise, and upon examination we see that one bearing is worn and close to breaking up, but all the other bearings, shafts, gears and hubs are OK and unaffected. This would be a ‘sudden and unexpected Failure of a Part Due to Wear & Tear’, which we would accept. If however all the shafts and hubs inside the gearbox are significantly worn and are all contributing to the noise, then this would be a ‘worn out’ gearbox and not covered.
Sussex Campervans Ltd will pay the Repair Cost following a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part of Your Vehicle, within the Limits, outside the supplier’s or manufacturer’s warranty during the of Your Plan, depending upon the Level Of Your Plan and subject to the further conditions and exclusions set out in these terms:
If your Vehicle suffers a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any covered Part, we will at our discretion decide whether to pay the appropriate Repair Cost (see General Conditions which explains our discretion). To do this, we will decide whether to inspect your Vehicle and then whether or not to approve a repair of the Part or authorise a replacement and then if we decide it is appropriate to do so in either case, we will pay the appropriate Repair Cost.
Your Plan will pay for diagnostic or dismantling work only if assessed by us as being reasonable within the Repair Cost of a valid repair. It is your responsibility to authorise (at your own expense) any diagnostic or dismantling of any part of your Vehicle. If in doubt, confirm with us before starting any diagnostic or dismantling work we will always put in writing anything that is agreed. If you do not have this in writing and do not have a valid repair number it will not be covered.
We will pay the Repair Cost of a valid repair up to the Single Repair Limit and within your Vehicle Value at Your Plan Start Date.
There is no limit to the number of valid repairs that can be approved during the Period Of Your Plan within the Single Repair Limit up to your Vehicle Value
There is no Contribution automatically required from you.
There is no Contribution required from you for improving the condition or value of your Vehicle (betterment) where a replacement Part has this effect.
Your Plan includes cover against Consequential Failure.
Any alterations you make to increase the Level of Your Plan will not come into effect until 30 days or 1000 miles (whichever occurs first) from the date of change have elapsed.
Significant Exclusions
Limits on Failure Due to Wear and Tear – Unless you are following on after a manufacturer’s warranty or previous Sussex Campervans Ltd Plan, the benefit of Failure Due to Wear and Tear will begin after both 30 days and 1000 miles have passed and in all cases, will end should your vehicle reach 10 years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first). Without a valid repair number, you will not be covered.
Vehicle Age and Mileage Limits – All the benefits of Your Plan will end should your Vehicle reach 180,000 miles from the date of manufacture. without rebate, even if during the Period of Your Plan.
Servicing – If you are unable to provide proof of the correct previous servicing of your Vehicle, we may decline any repair request you make in relation to any serviceable Part (see Section G).
Worn Out Parts – These are Parts which due to prolonged use over time and/or a lack of correct routine maintenance, abuse and/or neglect, are worn out and at the end of their expected serviceable life. They will require repair or replacement at your own cost.
Manufacturing Faults – The Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part of your Vehicle with inherent, common and regularly occurring manufacturing faults which are well publicised (such as Google Internet search) together with any Part requiring replacement due to it being updated, superseded, redesigned or recalled by the manufacturer, where you have no proof that the Part has been previously replaced.
Significant Exclusions – We will be liable for any of the above expenses if your request for Repair Cost is declined by us under the terms of Your Plan. Your Plan will not pay for any accident or criminal damage, storage or release charges. For a full list of exclusions please also see: What Your Plan does NOT include, section F.
Section D: Warranty Plan Levels
There are 3 levels of cover: Gold; Silver and Bronze, together with several Additions. Each is detailed in this section. The level applicable to Your Plan is defined by the age of your Vehicle at time of purchase.
Gold: New Vehicles up to 5 yrs old and up to 50,000 miles
Single Repair Limit £3000.00
Parts Included – all mechanical and all electrical parts of your vehicle.
Additions – The following additions are also included:
Air conditioning
Labour rates up to £50 per hour
Additions (optional at extra cost)
Air Bag System
Driver Assistance
Electric Vehicle Addition
Emissions Failure
Labour rate up to £200 per hour
MOT Failure
Note: For further, detailed information on Additions please see Section E of Your Plan Schedule
Other Items Included:
Oil Seals: Engine, gearbox, differential oil seals – causing a major oil leak (dripping oil) and necessitating immediate replacement, where removal of the unit is essential (excludes oil staining, worn collars and shafts).
Gaskets: Cylinder head gasket.
Drive Belts: Camshaft timing belt, including tensioner and variable camshaft timing unit (Vanos).
Important: A failure of the camshaft timing belt can cause significant engine damage, and should always be changed (including tensioner) within the manufacturer’s recommended period.
Parts Replaced in Pairs: We include the following Parts when recommended by the manufacturer to be replaced in pairs as good engineering practice, when only one Part has suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear: brake discs, brake drums, coil road springs, hydraulic shock absorbers.
Cooling System: The radiator, heater matrix and oil cooler.
Significant Exclusions – Worn Out Parts. Protection against Failure Due to Wear and Tear will end should your Vehicle reach 10 years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first). All the benefits of Your Plan will end should your Vehicle reach 15 years of age or 150,000 miles, from the date of manufacture, without rebate, even if during the Period of Your Plan. Please also refer to What Your Plan does NOT include (section F).
Note: Please telephone 01403 33 63 69 within 30 days of Your Plan Start Date to change or request an upgrade to the Level of Your Plan.
Silver: Vehicles 5-10 years old and up to 100,000 miles SSi
Parts Included – Only Parts listed under the following headings are included, together with any selected Plan Additions (please see Your Plan Schedule), Any item not specifically described below is not included:
Engine: All major internal moving Parts of the engine including; crankshaft, camshaft, pistons, connecting rods, balance shafts, gears, oil pump, variable camshaft timing assembly (Vanos), chains, sprockets, tensioners and including the cylinder head, engine block and liners (but excluding; burnt out valves and valve seats).
Turbocharger (or Supercharger) Intercooler and Waste-gate: All moving Parts (excludes oil seals).
Gearbox and Transmission (manual or automatic): All internal mechanical and electrical Parts of gearbox, transfer box, torque converter and overdrive (but excluding hydraulic actuator, internal oil cooler and/or radiator, mechatronic unit and valves).
Clutch: Flywheel (includes dual mass flywheel), flex plate, pressure plate, centre plate (excludes worn out facing material), ring gear, release bearing, master cylinder, slave cylinder, fork lever, clutch pedal and cable.
Drive Train: Drive shafts, prop-shafts, centre bearings, constant velocity joints, (excluding rubber boots) universal joints and couplings.
Differential: Crown wheel and pinion and all other internal mechanical moving Parts.
Suspension: Wheel bearings and cages, coil and leaf road springs, pneumatic air springs, shock absorbers, ride height actuators and regulator valves, wishbones, track control arms and linkages, suspension pump, kingpins, ball and swivel joints.
Steering: Rack and pinion, steering box, power steering rack and pinion, power steering box, pressure pipes, idler box, hydraulic and electrical power steering pump, reservoir, steering column joints and bearings, track rod ends.
Braking System: Servo, master cylinder, wheel cylinders, callipers, vacuum pump, pressure restrictor valve, brake pedal, handbrake lever and cable, brake discs and drums.
Anti Lock Braking System: Electronic control unit, pump, actuator, modulator and wheel sensors.
Fuel System (petrol or diesel): Lift pump, fuel pump, injection pump, injector, heater/ glow plug, fuel level sender unit, throttle body, throttle potentiometer, airflow meter, air flow sensor, cold start valve, regulator, overrun cut off valve, fuel accumulator, pressure regulator and injector wiring loom.
Cooling System: Radiator, engine oil cooler, heater matrix and heater fan motor, water pump, fan motor, viscous cooling fan coupling, thermostatically controlled radiator fan motor, engine temperature sensor, engine temperature gauge, thermostat and thermostat housing,
Electrical System: Starter motor, alternator, voltage regulator, ignition coil, camshaft and crankshaft sensors, indicator relay, front and rear windscreen wiper motors and washer motors, electric window regulators and motors, sunroof and cabriolet motors including switches, central locking mechanism (excluding locks, barrels, keys and keyfobs), cruise control unit, headlamp motors, heater fan motor, thermostatically controlled radiator fan motor, horn, multi function indicator stalk switch, alarm control unit and siren.
Electronic Control Unit: Engine electronic control unit and Body Control Unit.
Additions – The following additions are also included:
Air Conditioning
Labour rates up to £35 per hour
Additions (optional at extra cost)
Air Bag System
Driver Assistance
Electric Vehicle Addition
Emissions Failure
Labour rate up to £150 per hour
MOT Failure
Note: For further, detailed Additions please see Section E in Your Plan Schedule.
Other Items Included
Oil Seals: Engine and gearbox oil seals causing a major oil leak (dripping oil) and necessitating immediate replacement, where removal of the unit is essential (excludes worn collars and shafts).
Gaskets: Cylinder head gasket.
Drive Belts: Camshaft timing belt.
IMPORTANT: A failure of the camshaft timing belt can cause significant engine damage, and should always be changed (including tensioner) within the manufacturer’s recommended period.
Parts Replaced in Pairs: We include the following Parts when recommended by the manufacturer to be replaced in pairs as good engineering practice, when only one Part has suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear: brake discs, brake drums, coil road springs, hydraulic shock absorbers.
Significant Exclusions – Worn Out Parts. Protection against Failure Due to Wear and Tear will end should your Vehicle reach 10 years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first). All the benefits of Your Plan will end should your Vehicle reach 15 years of age or 150,000 miles, from the date of manufacture, without rebate, even if during the Period Of Your Plan. Please also refer to What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Note: telephone 01403 33 63 69 within 30 days of Your Plan Start Date to change or request an upgrade to the Level of Your Plan.
Bronze: 10yrs + and up to 180,000 miles
Single Repair Limit £1,000.00
Parts – Only Parts listed under the following headings are included (please see Your Plan Schedule). Any item not specifically described below is not included:
Engine: All major internal moving Parts of the engine including; crankshaft, camshaft, pistons, connecting rods, balance shafts, gears, oil pump and including cylinder head and engine block (but excluding; liners, variable camshaft timing units (Vanos), chains, sprockets, tensioners, burnt out valves and valve seats).
Gearbox and Transmission (manual or automatic): All internal mechanical Parts of gearbox, transfer gearbox, torque converter and overdrive (but excluding hydraulic actuator, internal oil cooler and/or radiator, mechatronic unit and valve body).
Clutch: Master cylinder, slave cylinder, fork lever, pedal and cable.
Drive Train: Drive shafts, prop-shafts, centre bearings, constant velocity joints (excluding rubber boots), universal joints and couplings.
Differential: Crown wheel, pinion and bearings.
Additions – The following additions are also included.
Labour rates up to £35 per hour is Included
Additions (optional at extra cost)
Labour rate up to £75 per hour
Note: For further, detailed information on Additions please Section E and Your Plan Schedule.
Significant Exclusions – Worn Out Parts. Protection against Failure Due to Wear and Tear will end should your Vehicle reach 10 years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first). Any Vehicle over 180,000 miles is not covered. Please also refer to What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Note: Please telephone 01403 33 63 69 within 30 days Of Your Plan Start Date to change or request an upgrade to the Level of Your Plan.
Section E: Additions to Your Plan
Please refer to Your Plan Schedule for the Additions which are included and excluded from Your Plan.
Additions – If one or more of the following Additions are included; Air Conditioning and Driver Assistance or you have upgraded and paid any additional charges (see Your Plan Schedule for inclusion) you will be entitled to the cover described in this section subject to the conditions as set out further:
Later Inclusion – Provided we have not authorised any repairs, you can choose to include any of the applicable Additions after Your Plan Start Date at any time within the first 30 days. No repairs will be authorised against any Addition included after Your Plan Start Date for a further 30 days after the date of inclusion.
Significant Exclusions Applicable To All Additions – Worn Out Parts. Protection against Failure Due to Wear and Tear will end should your Vehicle reach 10 years or 100,000 (whichever occurs first). All the benefits of Your Plan will end should your Vehicle reach 180,000 miles, from the date of manufacture, without rebate, even if during the Period Of Your Plan. Please also refer to What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Repair Limits Applicable To All Additions
Gold Equal to Single Repair Limit
Silver £1,000 including VAT
Bronze N/A
Note: Please refer to Your Plan Schedule to check your repair limit provided.
Air Bag Addition
This Plan Addition covers the Repair Cost to the Vehicle’s air bag system due to the Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part affecting the activation of the air bag warning system where a Part of the air bag system is found to be no longer serviceable using diagnostic equipment and/or diagnostic techniques recommended by the Vehicle manufacturer (proof required).
Repair Limit – Please see Your Plan Schedule.
Significant Exclusions – This Plan Addition does not provide for the replacement of any Part of the air bag system where replacement is necessary due to impact, shock, accidental damage, or the replacement of the air bag itself or the airbag detonator unit or under any circumstances where deployment of the airbag has previously taken place, nor does it include any faulty or damaged wiring. For a full list of exclusions please see: What Your Plan does NOT include, section F.
Air Conditioning Addition
This Plan Addition covers the Repair Cost for the Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part of the Vehicle’s air conditioning system.
Repair Limit – Please see Your Plan Schedule.
Significant Exclusions – This Plan Addition does not provide for the replacement of any Part of the air conditioning system where replacement is necessary due to accident damage, corrosion, leaking pipes, corroded or damaged wiring, re-gassing or pressurisation of the system (unless required along with an authorised repair). For a full list of exclusions please refer to: What Your Plan does NOT include, section F.
Driver Assistance Addition
This Plan Addition is designed to provide the Repair Cost following a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part (or a component which directly facilitates the function) of the:
Active Parking Control;
Braking Control;
Cruise Control;
Easy Entry Steering Column;
Engine Stop/Start;
Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Curve Assist;
Cameras Front/Rear;
Gesture Control Systems;
Heads Up Display and Control Unit;
Heated Steering Wheel;
Lane Keep Assist;
Outside Temperature Gauge;
Remote Boot Open/Close;
Soft Close Door Locks;
Speed Limit Control;
Traffic Sign Recognition,
Provided that it was fitted to your Vehicle by the Vehicle manufacturer as original equipment.
Repair Limit – Please see Your Plan Schedule
Significant Exclusions – Aerials; any reduction in performance or degradation in the display screen; any mobile phone or hands-free equipment connected to or in operation with any part of the systems software faults or upgrades. For a full list of exclusions please see: What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Emissions Failure Addition
This Plan Addition covers the Repair Cost of cleaning, reconditioning or replacing at our discretion the Vehicle’s catalytic convertor, diesel particulate filter, exhaust gas recirculation valve, oxygen, nitrous oxide, DPF or Add-Blue sensor (CAT, DPF, EGR or LAMBDA, NOX), Ad-blue pump, due to your Vehicle failing the relevant in-service manufacturer’s emissions standards or MOT emissions test.
The following specific conditions apply:
Using diagnostic equipment and/or diagnostic techniques as recommended by the Vehicle manufacturer or Vehicle Inspectorate, the results of the failed test being made available to our Repairs Office before authorisation is provided.
The results print out from a successful test following the replacement is submitted to aftercare@sussexcampervans.com with the repair invoice.
Repair Limit – Please see Your Plan Schedule
Significant Exclusions – End of life of CAT, DPF and EGR, accident damage, corrosion or degrading of the metal casing or any failure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding purging (often a weekly 20 minute run above 60mph). For a full list of exclusions please see: What Your Plan does NOT Include (section F).
Electric Vehicle (EV) Addition
This Plan Addition covers any of the following listed Parts provided the Part was fitted to your Vehicle by the vehicle manufacturer as original equipment: Drive (EV) Battery; Drive Motor(s); High Voltage Inverter (DCDC); Vehicle Energy/Power Control Module; Reduction Gearbox, Regenerative Braking System (excluding worn brake pads and shoes); Power Delivery Module; Charging Unit.
Note: During normal vehicle operation, the Drive (EV) Battery will discharge. If the charge drops below a minimum value, the ‘power indicator lamp’ will illuminate and the battery will need to be charged immediately. The power indicator lamp does not indicate a defect with the Drive (EV) Battery but merely a minimum limit to the level of charge.
If the power indicator lamp remains illuminated after recharging is complete, then refer to your Servicing Handbook. Repeated use of a rapid charge facility will lead to Drive (EV) Battery degradation.
If the Drive (EV) Battery is covered by a lease scheme the repair procedure for the battery will be governed by the lessor contract.
Repair Limit – Please see Your Plan Schedule
Significant Exclusions: Repair Costs for the Drive (EV) Battery resulting from or caused by any of the following:
Exposing the Vehicle to temperatures above 45°c (such as high temperature paint ovens).
Exposing the Vehicle to temperatures of below -25°c.
Allowing the Drive (EV) Battery to reach a zero state of charge for any period in excess of 14 days.
Repeatedly over-charging of the Drive (EV) Battery against the recommendations of the manufacturer within the Servicing Handbook.
Use of incompatible charging devices.
Gradual capacity loss (degradation) of the Drive (EV) Battery. Over time, the Drive (EV) Battery will experience gradual capacity loss which is a normal function of the Drive (EV) Battery during its lifespan and is not covered under the terms of this Plan.
Software faults or upgrades.
Corrosion of charging socket.
LCD information screen.
Labour Rates
This Plan Addition may cover or provide towards Repairer’s hourly Labour including VAT as shown on Your Plan Schedule:
We will not pay more than the hourly Labour rate normally charged by your Repairer to its customers.
Labour rates quoted include VAT at the prevailing rate.
It is important that you consider carefully the adequacy of the hourly Labour rate which is included within Your Plan as we will not pay any more than the rate selected, including VAT.
If a Repairer charges a higher rate than the level Your Plan covers, you will be responsible for the difference. If a Repairer charges a lower rate than the level Your Plan covers, we will pay the lower rate.
Later inclusion of increased Labour rates will be applied as detailed in the later inclusion section above.
MOT Failure Addition
This Plan Addition covers the Repair Cost of those components described below which have failed the DVSA annual MOT test. One valid repair request is allowed in any period of 12 months.
The following components are included should they require repairing or replacing during the Period of Your Plan in order for a DVSA MOT Certificate (VT20) to be issued. Any failed components must be noted on the DVSA MOT fail certificate (VT30) which must be produced to support a valid repair. Only the components listed under the following headings are included. Anything not specifically mentioned below is excluded.
DVSA 1: Lighting Equipment – All lighting equipment listed within the DVSA MOT Test Schedule.
Excluded: Condensation, warning lights, replaceable bulbs and headlight beam directional aim.
DVSA Section 2: Steering and Suspension – All steering and suspension parts listed within the DVSA MOT Test Schedule.
Excluded: Rubber bushes, wheel balancing and/or wheel/suspension alignment.
DVSA Section 3: Brakes – All braking components listed within the DVSA MOT Test Schedule.
Excluded: Worn brake pads or brake shoes.
DVSA 4: Tyres – Any tyre which has a cut or bulge in the wall or tread area.
Excluded: Worn tyres, Spare tyres.
DVSA Section 5: Seatbelts – All seat belt components listed within the DVSA MOT Schedule.
Excluded: Cut or damaged straps and webbing.
DVSA Section 6: Structure, Bodywork, General Items – All ‘General’ items listed within the DVSA MOT Schedule.
Excluded: Body and chassis repairs, welding, seat mountings and runners, Registration and VIN number plates, tow bar and electrics, battery, damaged or corroded wiring and connectors, serviceable parts, cracked or broken mirror glass, fuel tank and fuel leaks.
DVSA Section 7: Exhaust and Emissions – Exhaust mounting brackets are included.
Excluded: All other failures (unless included within optional Emissions Addition – must be selected).
DVSA Section 8: Drivers View of Road – All Excluded
Repair Limit – Please see section Repair Limits Applicable To All Additions above or refer to Your Plan Schedule.
Significant Exclusions – We will not pay for any costs caused by, arising from, or in connection with the following:
Any MOT Failure repairs within 90 days of Your Plan Start Date or more than 30 days before or 30 days after the MOT due date notified on Your Plan Schedule.
Any advisory faults or Parts noted on any MOT Advisory Notice accompanying a DVSA VT20 MOT Certificate or service schedule.
Any MOT Failure on any Vehicle older than 10 years or with higher than 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first) at the date of MOT Test.
For a full list of exclusions please refer to: What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Multi-Media Addition
This Plan Addition covers the Repair Cost following a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part (or a component which directly facilitates the function) of the: Radio, CD, DVD, TV, SAT-NAV provided that it was fitted to your Vehicle by the Vehicle manufacturer as original equipment.
Repair Limit – Please see Your Plan Schedule
Significant Exclusions – Antennas and Aerials; any reduction in performance or degradation in the display screen: any mobile phone or hands-free equipment connected to or in operation with any part of the systems software faults or upgrades. For a full list of exclusions Please see: What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Section F: What your Plan Does NOT Include
Your Plan particularly excludes the following:
Vehicles Excluded
Any Vehicle without a current Vehicle Excise Licence (Road Tax).
Any Vehicle without a current MOT VT20 Certificate (when required).
Any Vehicle without a current insurance certificate in your name.
Any Vehicle which is SORN registered with DVLA.
Any Vehicle inaccurately described within your Application, on Your Plan Schedule or which contradicts your Vehicle’s V5 registration document, VRC or service history record.
Any Vehicle where documentary proof shows that the mileage/distance reading has been altered or interfered with and is in reality different than displayed.
Any Vehicle at any time declared an insurance category A, B or S (formerly C) insurance write-off, or stolen and recovered.
Any Vehicle (currently or previously) used within a hire or reward business including, but not limited to: taxis, driving schools, and rental vehicles.
Any motor car, box van or campervan, more than 3500 kgs MTPLM, motor home more than 7500 kgs MTPLM, touring caravan more than 8 metres in overall length and 1850kgs MTPLM
Any Vehicle used in any competition, race, rally or track day event, off road or any previous public service vehicle such as a bus or police, ambulance, fire or military.
Any Vehicle which has been modified, in any way, from the manufacturer’s original or approved specification (excluding its conversion by Sussex Campervans Ltd into a motorcaravan)
Any Vehicle where you are the owner, proprietor or director of a motor trade business, vehicle auction, repair garage, vehicle leasing, hire or rental company.
If after Your Plan is established any of the above circumstances come to light, unless we have made special provision which is noted on Your Plan Schedule, Your Plan will cancelled and all charges refunded to your Supplying Dealer less any previously authorised Repair Costs, Independent Vehicle Examiner costs and the Cancellation Fee.
Parts Excluded
Bodywork, paintwork, exterior and interior trim, cabriolet roofs, lifting struts, catches, hinges, brackets, slides, runners, locks and barrels, keys and key fobs, seat frames, glass in windows and mirrors (heated or otherwise), lamps, connectors, bulbs and burners (xenon), wheels and tyres, tyre valves and pressure sensors, exhaust manifolds and silencers, sub-frames, mountings and rubber bushes, carbonisation (soot) build up (in particular of catalysts, exhaust gas recirculation valves and diesel particulate filters), burnt out valves, fuel and coolant tanks, hoses, pipes, joints, unions and fittings, auxiliary drive belts, batteries (including hybrid drive batteries and power packs) fuses, LEDs, bulbs, wiring, looms and connectors, together with normal wear and tear of: brake discs, pads, drums, shoes and clutch linings (unless such Parts are specifically included with any selected level of cover or Additions to Your Plan).
Any service parts periodically replaced during the manufacturer’s recommended servicing of the Vehicle unless any such items are (at our discretion) authorised within the costs of a valid repair, providing the Vehicle is not within 1,000 miles or 30 days of its next scheduled service.
All non-mechanical and non-electrical Parts.
Any Part or Addition particularly excluded from or not specifically included within Your Plan.
Parts which have not suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear (as defined)
Worn Out Parts.
The repair or replacement of any Part not authorised by us.
The repair or replacement of any Part where you (or your Repairer) have denied us the right to have that Part examined by an Independent Vehicle Examiner
The replacement of any camshaft timing belt, chain or tensioner or any associated Repair Cost where it cannot be shown within the Vehicle’s service record that the correct servicing has been carried out previously.
Any Part that has not suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear (as defined) but which is recommended for replacement by your Repairer.
Any Part noted as requiring attention on any previous MOT Advisory Notice accompanying a DVSA MOT Certificate (VT20).
Any Part noted as requiring attention on any previous servicing schedule or health check.
Any items fitted to your Vehicle after the date of manufacture such as: roof racks, cycle carriers, tow bars, ladders, stabilisers and towing equipment, etc (not a complete list).
Any Part which has been in any way modified and is not to the manufacturer’s approved specification or any Part damaged due to it being forced or operated incorrectly.
Any Parts which are rusty, corroded, seized- up or Parts blocked up with carbon. Parts which have suffered Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear due to flooding or water ingress, delamination, condensation, freezing, burning, melting; a lack of or incorrect coolant lubricant or fuel; blockage due to swarf or sludge; Parts which are electrically overloaded due to incorrect use of welding, starting or charging equipment; any fuel, fluid, coolant or oil leak not specifically included within Your Plan.
The Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of a Part of your Vehicle with inherent, common and regularly occurring manufacturing faults which were well publicised (such as Google Internet search) together with any Part requiring replacement due to it being updated, superseded, re- designed or recalled by the manufacturer where you have no proof that the Part has been previously replaced.
Any Part which has suffered a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear due to a lack of or incorrect servicing, oil or coolant leak, negligence, neglect, abuse, broken by your Repairer, criminal damage, theft or attempted theft, accident or any Part not reported at the time of repair by your Repairer.
Any Part which within the last 12 months has been the subject of a previous repair, attempted repair or documented as advised in need of repair.
Parts covered by any other plan, warranty, guarantee, or goodwill offer of settlement.
Reports By Vehicle Examiners
The Breakdown of any Part which an Independent Vehicle Examiner believes more than likely existed on or before Your Plan Start Date or before the date of any later Addition, such faults should be reported to your Supplying Dealer.
The Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any Part which an Independent Vehicle Examiner believes more than likely existed or was developing within the initial period of 30 days or 1,000 miles (whichever occurs later) from Your Plan Start Date or from the date of any later Addition.
The Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any Part which an Independent Vehicle Examiner believes occurred after Your Plan had expired.
The Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any Part which an Independent Vehicle Examiner identifies as being aggravated due to the Vehicle being driven on or after the incident had occurred. In such cases, Your Plan at our discretion will only pay the reasonable Repair Cost the Independent Vehicle Examiner believes would have resulted should your Vehicle have been stopped at the earliest opportunity.
Any Vehicle Repair Cost request which an Independent Vehicle Examiner confirms is not due to any Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear (as defined).
The Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any Part which an Independent Vehicle Examiner believes is due (in whole or in part) to a lack of any previous servicing (as recommended by the manufacturer), negligence, accident or which is revealed to be in such condition during any accident repairs, or any previous repair attempts.
Miscellaneous Items Excluded
Any Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear caused by the use of contaminated or incorrect fuel, fluid or lubricant or caused by any foreign object or debris or any flushing or cleaning not reasonably considered within the costs of a valid repair including any adjustments, alignments or software related Issues.
Unless there is proof of Consequential Failure, this Plan does not include the cost of fitting multiple Parts by your Repairer or Parts recommended for replacement by your Repairer as good engineering practice (other than for covered Parts Replaced in Pairs or those that fail the annual MOT only when the MOT Addition is included) and in such cases we will exercise our discretion and usually only pay the average cost of all Parts and Labour requested.
Any repair request prior to the date of receipt and/or mileage of your Mileage Photo when requested.
Any Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear where your Vehicle’s mileage/distance reading at the time and date of Failure is not supported by its previous service history and cannot be verified as correct or relied upon to be an accurate representation of your Vehicle’s total mileage.
If at any time during the Period of Your Plan we use our discretion to authorise a repair on a goodwill basis which would otherwise have been excluded, then this does not set any precedent and does not mean we will necessarily authorise any similar future repairs.
Any liability for damage to property, loss of earnings, out of pocket expenses or any other loss caused directly or indirectly by any event giving rise to a repair request under the terms of Your Plan.
Any liability caused directly or indirectly by war, riot or any similar event or by vandalism, theft or attempted theft from the Vehicle or by bad weather such as lightning. wind or flood.
Geographical Limitations
Your Plan is limited to mainland Great Britain (UK excluding Northern Ireland and islands). Your Plan does not cover the EU.
Section G: Servicing Your Vehicle
Vehicle Servicing – You are required to ensure the correct servicing of your Vehicle:
At your own cost and expense
Using any VAT registered garage, a franchised main dealer or an Approved Repairer
Following the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule and intervals (or earlier) as detailed in your Vehicle handbook. If you do not follow the manufacturer’s service schedule, then you will be required to service your Vehicle at intervals of 12 months or 10,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
Using only manufacturer’s service parts or OE Parts and importantly the correct type and grade of lubricants and fluids as specified by the manufacturer.
Time Period – When your Vehicle is due for Servicing – You are allowed 1,000 miles either side of the service mileage or 30 days either side of the service period, without any further allowance.
Proof of Servicing – We will accept as proof of service details held within the Vehicles integrated information centre/dated stamped entries in your Vehicle’s service book by a franchised main dealer or an Approved Repairer. If not, you will be required to provide dated service VAT receipts and/or service schedules showing exactly which service parts were checked, replaced or otherwise attended to on the last service date applicable to the Part in question.
Service Parts Included – Your Plan will only pay for service items (such as lubricants and filters) which are required in order to complete repairs under a valid repair.
Significant Exclusions – The Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any Part which an Independent Vehicle Examiner believes is due (in whole or in part) to a lack of previous servicing as recommended by the manufacturer. For a full list of exclusions, please see: What Your Plan does NOT include, (section F).
Section H: Repair Procedure
Repairs – This section sets out what you should do if your Vehicle needs a repair. It is important that you follow this procedure. Should you decide to give permission to a Repairer/Approved Repairer to commence or complete repair work, without a Repair Number being obtained, we will not meet your Repair cost.
Note: The Repairs Office opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm, telephone 01403 33 63 69.
Report Any suspected Fault In 7 Days – If you think that any fault may be the subject of a repair under the terms of Your Plan (even if you are not sure) you should report the fault by telephone or email to us as soon as practicable. Any failure to report any suspected Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear within 7 days may result in the repair being declined. To report a suspected fault, please call our Repairs Office on 01403 33 63 69 and speak to a member of our team, or email hello@sussexcampervans.com quoting your vehicle registration and plan number.
All repairs must be pre agreed where a valid repair number will be issued, without a valid repair number we will not meet your Repair cost.
Important – You should stop driving your Vehicle immediately if you become aware that there is a dashboard warning showing a fault. You should also stop if there is any other indication such as an unusual vibration or noise, leaking water, oil or steam. If you aggravate any Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear causing further damage, we may not settle the Repair Cost. No repair work should commence before we have approved it in writing, by email from aftercare@sussexcampervans.com.
Please take your vehicle to an Approved Repairer. To locate an Approved Repairer if available in your area please call 01403 33 63 69.
Before any Repair work is to be agreed you and the Approved Repairer are to notify us of the following information within 10 days of reporting a suspected fault, which we will assess to decide if we can then agree to the repair, please note until you have a valid repair number we will not meet your Repair cost:
Following Information we will need
Your Order number and/or Your Vehicle registration or VIN number and your name and address;
The Part(s) believed to be at fault, including part numbers;
The date the Part failed, and the mileage recorded on the Vehicle at that time;
An estimate for the total Repair Cost which itemises diagnostics, Part(s) and Labour;
Details of your Vehicle’s Service Handbook, including service history if required, a printed report of any On Board Diagnostics (OBD) information. Whilst illumination of a dashboard warning light or the registration of a fault code within the Vehicle’s onboard diagnostic system may indicate a fault, it is not in itself proof of the Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear of any Part Within the terms of Your Plan.
On receipt of all information detailed in the above, we will confirm to you and your Approved Repairer:
That the Part is included within the terms of Your Plan and whether we exercise our discretion and authorise the Repair Cost in writing or,
Whether we require your Vehicle or Part(s) to be examined, at our expense, by an Independent Vehicle Examiner prior to us making any firm decision or,
Whether we require your Vehicle, or a Part, at our expense, to be transported for examination to a Repairer/Approved Repairer of our choice.
From time to time we may require additional supporting documentation in order to assist us in validating a repair, such as the Vehicle’s V5 logbook, insurance certificate, previous MOTs, recovery, vehicle hire, hotel, ferry or fuel receipts, etc.
If your Repairs are completed at an Approved Repairer;
When your repairs are accepted and approved, we will issue the authority and the authorised Repair Cost in writing. We will endeavour to settle the Repair Cost for any validated repair within the Single Repair limit subject to the terms and conditions of Your Plan within 7 days.
We will issue you with a confirmation letter which will itemise the authorised Repair Cost. You will have to settle any amounts over the authorised Repair Cost directly with the Approved Repairer.
In cases where we have transported your Vehicle or any Part to a Repairer / Approved Repairer of our choice to complete repairs, we will guarantee the repair for a period of 12 months or 10,000 miles (whichever occurs first).
The completed and signed confirmation form accepting the authorised Repair Cost, A copy of your Repairer’s VAT invoice addressed to Sussex Campervans Ltd. The Approved Repairer should include your Vehicle registration number and your VIN on the invoice. If you do not provide a Repairer’s invoice addressed to Sussex Campervans Ltd, we will not be able to reimburse you the VAT amount; and
Any other supporting documentation we may have requested.
On receipt of the above information, we will endeavour to settle the Repair Cost for any validated repair within the Single Repair Limit, subject to the terms and conditions of Your Plan within 14 days.
If We Decline Your Repair Request
We may decline your repair request and provide our reasons in writing explaining why your repair request does not meet with the terms and conditions of Your Plan.
Protection Against Fraud – To protect ourselves against fraudulent requests, we may from time to time, carry out more detailed checks and investigations which may delay our authorisation process. We apologise if this impacts your legitimate repair and ask you to cooperate with our requests for further information. We will not be liable for any loss of the use of your Vehicle or other expenses but do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Section I: General Conditions
The following conditions apply to all sections of Your Plan:
Duty Of Care – You have a duty of care to look after your Vehicle. To do this you must:
Carry out the preventative checks and maintenance recommended by the Vehicle manufacturer within the Servicing Handbook, please refer to Section G,
Pay to replace Parts which had already been subject to a Breakdown or Failure Due to Wear and Tear,
Replace any Parts which are the subject of a declined repair at your own cost and expense, and
Service or replace Parts when recommended or advised by your Repairer on any service, health check, MOT failure, advisory sheet or similar.
Repair Procedure – You must follow the repair procedure detailed within Your Plan Section H, Any failure to do so may result in a decline decision and non-payment of your repair. Please telephone 01403 33 63 69 or email hello@sussexcampervans.com if you need any help or advice.
Contribution – If you have elected to include a Contribution in Your Plan, the amount of the Contribution will be deducted from the Repair Cost. The Contribution amount can be found on Your Plan Schedule.
Limit On Repair Cost – Your Plan will pay the Repair Cost up to the Single Repair Limit and in aggregate up to the Vehicle Value, subject to the terms and conditions herein. The Single Repair Limit includes all Repair Costs against the Level of Your Plan including, Additions, Vehicle Recovery, Vehicle Hire, Hotel or Travel Expenses, less any Contribution as shown on Your Plan Schedule. If your Vehicle or any subsequent repair is covered by any other similar plan, guarantee, warranty or goodwill settlement, we will only pay our reasonable share of any Repair Cost (if any). We may, at our discretion, appoint a Repairer of our own choice in order to repair, replace or recondition any Part of your Vehicle.
Consequential Failure and Failure Of Multiple Parts – Consequential Failure (replacement of multiple parts) is included within Your Plan. This is where a component (not necessarily included in Your Plan) fails and causes the Breakdown of a covered Part or Parts (sometimes called the domino effect).
Where there are instances of multiple faults with your Vehicle and there is no evidence of Consequential Failure, this Plan will not cover the total cost of fitting multiple Parts to your Vehicle. In such cases, we will exercise our discretion and pay the average cost of the Parts and Labour requested, within the Level of Your Plan. The only exception is where the Level of Your Plan includes Parts Replaced in Pairs or the MOT Failure Addition.
Where we authorise the Repair Cost for a benefit under one or more sections of Your Plan, then this will be treated as a single repair within the Single Repair Limit and Vehicle Value shown on Your Plan Schedule.
Plan Transfer — As the warranty is provided by us during the sale of your Vehicle, there is no option to transfer this plan to any other Vehicle. Application to transfer Your Plan to a new owner is at the discretion of Sussex Campervans Ltd You must make the Application in writing or by email to hello@sussexcampervans.com within 30 days of the change of ownership, and you must send us proof of the Vehicle’s most recent service, a current MOT certificate and the Administration Fee. Sussex Campervans Ltd will then liaise with the Supplying Dealer and issue any new documentation to the new owner.
Your Plan may not be transferred to (or via) any member of the motor trade or where Your Plan has less than 30 days left to run.
You must pay all our charges for upgrades and Additions as shown on your revised and/ or upgraded warranty offer order, otherwise Your Plan will not be valid, and all will cease immediately.
Payment by us of Repair Cost – We will endeavour to settle the Repair Cost for any validated repair within the Single Repair Limit, subject to the terms and conditions of Your Plan, within 14 days.
Plan Renewal — As Your Plan was provided by Sussex Campervans Ltd we may, at our discretion, offer preferential rates to those customers seeking to retain warranty cover, Sussex Campervans Ltd may contact you, by email or in writing to offer you continued warranty cover as a private Planholder. Private Planholders may receive automatic renewal of their cover thereafter. Please refer to the applicable plan booklet provided with your new terms and conditions.
If you decide you do not wish to renew you do not need to do anything and Your Plan will expire three years from the date of your order.
Cancellation Of Upgrade Or Addition During Cancellation Period – If you decide that you want to cancel an upgrade or Addition you must confirm your request to Sussex Campervans Ltd in writing or by email to aftercare@sussexcampervans.com, quoting Your Plan reference number and your Vehicle registration number. You must ensure that your request reaches us within 30 days of the initial upgrade or Addition purchase.
Provided you have not reported a suspected fault or notified us of intended repairs (please refer to section H), Your Plan upgrade or Addition will be cancelled within the Cancellation Period and any payments you have made to Sussex Campervans Ltd will be refunded less a £90+VAT administration fee.
In circumstances where you have reported a suspected fault and notified us of intended repairs and where any Repair Cost has not been authorised, Your Plan upgrade or Addition will be cancelled within the cancellation Period and any payments you have made to Sussex Campervans Ltd will be refunded with deduction of any Cancellation Fee, Recovery Costs and Independent Vehicle Examiner costs we have incurred.
In circumstances where we have authorised any Repair Cost cancellation is without any refund.
Cancellation by you is in full and final settlement of any obligations Sussex Campervans Ltd or your Supplying Dealer may have towards you under the terms of Your Plan.
Cancellation by us – We may cancel our administration of Your Plan and any upgrades or Additions you have arranged with us at any time by giving you 30 days notice and by refunding you the balance of any unexpired value of your Additions as applicable without further deduction.
We will cancel Your Plan immediately without rebate or refund of payments and without further notice:
If you transfer ownership of your Vehicle without initiating a Plan Transfer (within Your Plan transfer conditions) or
If you change your address to live outside of the Geographical Limits
If you, or someone authorised to act on your behalf, have made any dishonest, false or exaggerated statement or declaration to us to obtain Your Plan or in order to satisfy our repair conditions.
In all cases we will advise you of such cancellation by sending you notice in writing via Email, Post, Special or Recorded Delivery to your last known email or postal address.
Your Information – You should have declared all relevant information that may have affected our decision to accept your Vehicle onto Your Plan. It is important that you check Your Plan Schedule to ensure we have the correct details. In particular, you should check that your Vehicle’s make and model, date of registration, mileage and engine size are accurately described on Your Plan Schedule. You should also check your Vehicle’s previous servicing complies with our requirements under Section G. You should have answered our preliminary questions accurately. Failure to disclose the correct information at the time that you applied may invalidate Your Plan. If we have requested a Mileage Photo, you should cooperate fully with our request. If any of the above information is Your Plan may not be valid.
Fraud – If we reasonably believe that you or someone authorised to act on your behalf, have made any dishonest false or exaggerated statements or declarations in attempt to obtain Your Plan or any Repair Cost, Your Plan will be cancelled. No refund or repair settlements will be made, and the matter reported to the authorities.
Salvage, Storage Or Disposal — We accept no responsibility or liability for the salvage, storage or disposal of your Vehicle or of any Part or part under any event.
Value Added Tax – Value Tax (VAT) will be calculated at the current rate applicable at the time of charge or time of repair. If you do not supply us with a Repairer’s VAT invoice displaying the name and address of the company, we will be unable to reimburse you the VAT element of the Repair Cost.
General – We are not liable for any statement or representation which contradicts any of the conditions of Your Plan, unless the statement or representation is clearly defined on Your Plan Schedule or is supported in writing by us.
Discretion – An important aspect of Your Plan is that it operates contractually and legally on a discretionary basis. We use this discretion to ensure that you receive a fair and equitable resolution to each request you make under Your Plan.
Section J: Warranty Plan
Provision – Your Warranty Plan (Your Plan) is provided by Sussex Campervans Ltd, registered office: Langhurst Wood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD It is provided in addition to your Statutory Rights.
Your Plan – Your Plan will only become effective when Sussex Campervans Ltd has received and accepted Your Application and issued Your Signed Order for your campervan which forms Your Plan Schedule.
Plan Schedule – Your Plan Schedule confirms our acceptance of your Application and is the basis of the contract and forms part of Your Plan. Please check that the information you have declared to us is correct and that it meets your requirements. If it does not, please contact us as soon as possible (and in any case within 30 days of issue) in order to make any applicable alterations. You cannot make changes after 30 days or if you have requested that we authorise any repairs. If you fail to provide us with the correct information, we may either require additional payments and an Administration Fee or even cancel Your Plan.
Data Protection – Sussex Campervans Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales No. 08086997 at Langhurst Wood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD. Sussex Campervans Ltd will process your data to provide the cover detailed in Your Plan. We will pass your data to selected third parties specifically for them to provide the services detailed in Your Plan. Any third parties will not be permitted to use your data for any other purpose other than to provide the services and shall be contracted to delete the data after provision of the service under Your Plan.
Right to Access – You are the only person authorised to make representations directly to Sussex Campervans Ltd about Your Plan. If you require any other person to enquire on your behalf including receiving any validated repair payments we will require your specific prior authorisation in writing unless such persons quote Your Plan number or is confirmed as a Repairer acting on your behalf. We may pass your data to any company for the sole purpose of providing the services and benefits within Your Plan. If at any time, your information is to be transferred to countries that do not have stringent data protection laws, the Data Controller will seek assurance from that party as to the security surrounding the handling of your personal data before they proceed. Your personal data may also be passed to any relevant regulator or dispute provider and be used to prevent crime. We may also use your data for training and testing purposes.
Right to Rectification – You can ask us for a copy of your personal details held on our files and to correct any inaccuracies. To improve our services and for training purposes, we may record our communications with you.
Right to be Forgotten – You have the right to be forgotten and you may choose to exercise this right at any time under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 17. Please confirm your request in writing or by email to hello@sussexcampervans.com. We will process any such request without undue delay and we will inform any third parties of the request.
Expert Reports – You can request a copy of any Independent Vehicle Examiner report we have commissioned in relation to a request for repairs you may have made (subject to our Administration Fee). Please confirm your request by email to hello@sussexcampervans.com.
Marketing – Your details may be used by Sussex Campervans Ltd for marketing purposes and to inform you of other products and services we think may be of interest to you. We and our agents (if applicable) may contact you by mail, telephone or email. If you do not want your data to be used by us for marketing purposes and you have not already notified us, please write to the Data Protection Administrator at: Sussex Campervans Ltd Langhurst Wood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD, or email hello@sussexcampervans.com.
Exclusion of Third Party Rights – Your Plan is solely for the benefit of you (the Plan holder) and any permitted transferee which we allow in our discretion. No rights or benefits will be given to any other third party under Your Plan. The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 do not apply.
Notices: – All notices required to be given shall be by email, post, Special Or Recorded Delivery; from Sussex Campervans Ltd to you, at your last known home Or email address. All notices shall be deemed to have been received when, in the normal course of transmission, the notice would have been delivered.
Language – All plan documents and communications regarding your warranty will be provided in clear and easily understandable English. No other languages will be used.
Statutory Rights And Regulation – Your Plan shall be subject to English Law. Nothing in these terms and conditions will reduce or affect your statutory rights. For further information about your Statutory Rights, you can contact your Local Authority Trading Standards Department or Citizens Advice Bureau.
Terminology – Words starting in capital letters are ‘defined terms’ with specific meanings particular to Your Plan. Please see the Definitions (Section A) within Your Plan.
Section K: How to Contact Us
Administration Queries – If you have any questions regarding any alterations to Your Plan Schedule, please contact Sussex Campervans Ltd by phone on 01403 33 63 69 and explain your query, or you can email: hello@sussexcampervans.com. Your query should be dealt with either while you are on the phone or by email.
Payment Queries – If you require an explanation of any authorised Repair Cost please telephone Sussex Campervans Ltd and speak to the Aftercare Team. Your query should be dealt with either while you are on the phone or by email, within 14 working days.
Decline Decisions – If your complaint is relating to a declined repair decision we will need you to send us any documentation which was not made available at the time of our decision (this may be service history, an inspection report, photographs, or other documents). We must receive all details of your complaint within 30 days of the date we issued the decision to decline your repair. We cannot alter a decision simply because you do not agree with it; we will require some tangible evidence to support your view. Your query should be acknowledged by email and answered within 14 working days.
All Other Complaints — if you are unhappy with any other of your experience with Sussex Campervans Ltd, please write to our Customer Services team at Sussex Campervans Ltd Langhurst Wood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD. Your query should be acknowledged by post or email and answered within 14 working days.
Important Information Regarding Fraud – If we have any reason to believe that you (or a Repairer acting on your behalf) has provided us (or any Independent Vehicle Examiner) with any false, dishonest or exaggerated information or statement in order to obtain Repair Cost(s), then we will suspend any repair authorisation until our Fraud Investigation Team has completed their investigation. Within 30 days, we will send you our final response or advise you when we will be in a position to provide such a response. Note: Telephone calls may be for quality and training purposes.